Create("triumphstag_db"); $sql1 = new MySQL_class; $sql1->Create("triumphstag_db"); $sql2 = new MySQL_class; $sql2->Create("triumphstag_db"); $sql3 = new MySQL_class; $sql3->Create("triumphstag_db"); $sql4 = new MySQL_class; $sql4->Create("triumphstag_db"); echo("
"); //echo("

Listing all lost Stags

\n"); $sql1->Query("Select * from stagdata_where_are_they"); $totalentries = $sql1->rows; Echo ("

There are a total of $totalentries entries

"); //********************List the entries Wanted acording to Section ********************************** echo("

Do you know anything about the history of these?

"); echo("

"); echo(""); echo(""); $sql->Query("SELECT * from stagdata_where_are_they order by $index"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++) { $sql->Fetch($i); $id = $sql->data[0]; $name= $sql->data[1]; $email= $sql->data[2]; $location= $sql->data[3]; // $country= $sql->data[4]; $registration=$sql->data[4]; $text=$sql->data[7]; $date = $sql->data[8]; $reg2= $sql->data[5]; $date1 = (date ("d F Y ",$date)); if ($date >(time() - 2592000)) { $icon = "This item has been added within the last 30 days"; } else { $icon=""; } // get number of replies from replies table $sql2->Query("Select * from stagdata_where_are_they_replies where id2='$id'"); $entryreply = $sql2->rows; // now check the registry for a match $sql3->query ("SELECT commnumber,concat(comprefix,commnumber,comsufix) as fullnum,stagpic from stagdata where regno = '$reg2' and regno <>'Not Given'"); $rows2 = $sql3->rows; // check again on new field regno-previous (in other words on an older reg) $sql4->query ("SELECT commnumber,concat(comprefix,commnumber,comsufix) as fullnum,stagpic from stagdata where regno_previous = '$reg2' and regno_previous <>'Not Given'"); $rows3 = $sql4->rows; $entryreply1=$entryreply +$rows2+$rows3; if ($entryreply1 >0) { $replycolour='##0033FF'; }else{ $replycolour='#333333'; } //look for registry matches $regmatch=""; $regmatch1=""; $pic=""; $picture=""; if ($rows2==1) { $sql3->Fetch(0); $comm = $sql3->data[0]; $fullnum = $sql3->data[1]; $picture = $sql3->data[2]; $regmatch="** Registry Match Found see $fullnum **"; $regmatch1="+ Registry Match"; $picture=rawurlencode($picture); // check for a picture if (strlen($picture)>1) { $pic = "


"; }else{ $pic=""; } } if ($rows3==1) { $sql4->Fetch(0); $comm = $sql4->data[0]; $fullnum = $sql4->data[1]; $regmatch="** Registry Match Found see $fullnum **"; $regmatch1="+ Registry Match"; // check for a picture if (strlen($picture) > 1) { $pic = "


"; }else{ $pic=""; } } //assemble each row of the table //check row colour and alternate if (1==$rowcolour){ $bgcolour="bgcolor='#FFFFFF' bordercolor='#FFFFFF'"; $rowcolour=0; } else { $bgcolour="bgcolor='#F4F4F4' bordercolor='#F4F4F4'"; $rowcolour=1; } echo (" "); $pic=""; } echo ("
ContactRegistrationCommentsClick to ReplyDate Entered
$icon  $id   $name   $registration   $text 


 Click to Reply or Read $entryreply replies $regmatch1
"); echo("

Click here to add your search (Stags only please)
"); ?>