"); //set colour change for each row $rowcolour=1; //set font size $fontsize="font face='arial' size='1'"; // Include the header file include ("../../include/header.php"); require("../../include/sqlcon.php"); $sql = new MySQL_class; $sql->Create("triumphstag_db"); $sql1 = new MySQL_class; $sql1->Create("triumphstag_db"); //echo("
Db connect OK.
\n"); if (""<> $diag) { $query ="where diag='$diag'"; $sectionname ="

Listing all Tips Trick & Mods related to Sub Assembly $diag

"; $sort=heading; } else{ if ("*"== $section) { $query ="where section <> '$section'"; $sectionname ="all the sections"; }else{ $query = "where section = '$section'"; $sectionname =$section; } } $sql1->Query("Select id,heading from stagdatattm $query"); $totalentries = $sql1->rows; $section1=urlencode($section); Echo ("
There are $totalentries entries in $sectionname in The Tips Tricks & Mods Data Base  "New or Updated"
"); // put in the search box ?>
"> "> Add Your Own Tip Trick or Mod "); //echo("

ID"); echo("Section"); echo("Subject"); echo("Name"); echo("Date Entered"); echo(" Sub Assembly \n"); // list normal TTM's echo ("  

Your Tips Tricks & Mods
   "); $sql->Query("SELECT id,section,heading,name,datestamp,diag from stagdatattm $query AND text like '%$searchKW%' AND techb = '0' order by $sort"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++) { $sql->Fetch($i); $id = $sql->data[0]; $section= $sql->data[1]; $heading= $sql->data[2]; $name = $sql->data[3]; $date = $sql->data[4]; $diag1 = $sql->data[5]; $date1 = (date ("d M Y",$date)); If ("0" == $diag1 OR NULL == $diag1 or "" == $diag1){ $diagram = " "; }else{ $diagram = " <$fontsize color='#000080'>Diagram"; } //set new icon if entry has been added within the last 30 days if ($date >(time() - 2592000)) { $icon = "This item has been added within the last 30 days "; } else { $icon=""; } //assemble each row of the table //check row colour and alternate if (1==$rowcolour){ $bgcolour="bgcolor='#FFFFFF' bordercolor='#FFFFFF'"; $rowcolour=0; } else { $bgcolour="bgcolor='#F4F4F4' bordercolor='#F4F4F4'"; $rowcolour=1; } echo (" <$fontsize color='#000080'>$icon$section "); echo (" <$fontsize color='#000080'> $heading"); echo ("<$fontsize color='#000080'> $name $date1
<$fontsize color='#000080' size='2'> $diagram
"); } // list normal Technical bulletins echo ("  
Triumph Technical Bulletins
   "); $sql->Query("SELECT id,section,heading,name,datestamp,diag from stagdatattm $query AND text like '%$searchKW%' AND techb = '1' order by $sort"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++) { $sql->Fetch($i); $id = $sql->data[0]; $section= $sql->data[1]; $heading= $sql->data[2]; $name = $sql->data[3]; $date = $sql->data[4]; $diag1 = $sql->data[5]; //$date1 = (date ("d F Y h:iA",$date)); $date1 = (date ("d M Y",$date)); If ("0" == $diag1 OR NULL == $diag1 or "" == $diag1){ $diagram = " "; }else{ $diagram = " <$fontsize color='#008000'>Diagram"; } //set new icon if entry has been added within the last 30 days if ($date >(time() - 2592000)) { $icon = "This item has been added within the last 30 days "; } else { $icon=""; } //assemble each row of the table //check row colour and alternate if (1==$rowcolour){ $bgcolour="bgcolor='#FFFFFF' bordercolor='#FFFFFF'"; $rowcolour=0; } else { $bgcolour="bgcolor='#F4F4F4' bordercolor='#F4F4F4'"; $rowcolour=1; } echo (" <$fontsize color='#008000'>$icon$section "); echo (" <$fontsize color='#008000'> $heading"); echo (" <$fontsize color='#008000' size='2'>$name<$fontsize color='#008000' size='1'> $date1
<$fontsize color='#008000'> $diagram
"); } echo ("");