Create("triumphstag_db"); $sql1 = new MySQL_class; $sql1->Create("triumphstag_db"); echo("
"); $date2=(time() - 5184000); $deletedate= (date ("d F Y h:iA",$date2)); echo("

Please note that anything entered before $deletedate will have been deleted

\n"); $sql1->Delete("delete from stagdataparts where datestamp < $date2 "); $sql1->Query("Select id,part,price,location from stagdataparts"); $totalentries = $sql1->rows; Echo ("

There are a total of $totalentries entries

"); //********************List the entries Wanted acording to Section ********************************** echo("

Wanted Adverts

"); echo("

"); echo(""); echo(""); $sql->Query("SELECT id,section,part,price,location,datestamp from stagdataparts where section ='Wanted' order by $sort"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++) { $sql->Fetch($i); $id = $sql->data[0]; $section= $sql->data[1]; $part= $sql->data[2]; $price= $sql->data[3]; $location = $sql->data[4]; $date = $sql->data[5]; $date1 = (date ("d F Y ",$date)); if ($date >(time() - 2592000)) { $icon = "This item has been added within the last 30 days"; } else { $icon=""; } //assemble each row of the table //check row colour and alternate if (1==$rowcolour){ $bgcolour="bgcolor='#FFFFFF' bordercolor='#FFFFFF'"; $rowcolour=0; } else { $bgcolour="bgcolor='#F4F4F4' bordercolor='#F4F4F4'"; $rowcolour=1; } echo (" "); } echo ("
WantedPartPriceLocationDate Entered
$icon  $id   $section   $part   $price   $location   $date1 
"); //********************List the entries Going Spare acording to Section ********************************** echo("


"); echo("

Going Spare Adverts

"); echo(""); echo(""); $sql->Query("SELECT id,section,part,price,location,datestamp from stagdataparts where section ='Going Spare' order by $sort"); for ($i = 0; $i < $sql->rows; $i++) { $sql->Fetch($i); $id = $sql->data[0]; $section= $sql->data[1]; $part= $sql->data[2]; $price= $sql->data[3]; $location = $sql->data[4]; $date = $sql->data[5]; $date1 = (date ("d F Y",$date)); //assemble each row of the table //check row colour and alternate if (1==$rowcolour){ $bgcolour="bgcolor='#FFFFFF' bordercolor='#FFFFFF'"; $rowcolour=0; } else { $bgcolour="bgcolor='#F4F4F4' bordercolor='#F4F4F4'"; $rowcolour=1; } if ($date >(time() - 2592000)) { $icon = "This item has been added within the last 30 days"; } else { $icon=""; } echo (" "); // echo (" "); } echo ("
Going SparePartPriceLocationDate Entered
$icon  $id   $section   $part   $price   $location   $date1 
$icon $id  $section  $part  $price  $location  $date1 
"); //*************** add a link to show Stags for sale out of the registry ********************* ?>

Click here for Stags in the registry that are marked as 'FOR SALE'
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Click here for Stag Parts on eBay!!!